Welcome to Nova AIM,
Years of experience in research, product development, international business network and production creates the core of Nova AIM.

About Nova AIM
Our partners are group of people who are seeking to find the knowledge, observing the problem, developing the solution and creating the value. By doing that creating a life time bond with local partners, business networks and investors is the outcome of our approach.
As a group we are passionate about Agriculture and Environment. We are traveling around the world to follow latest improvements, techniques, technologies and solutions to keep our group sharp and equipped with the lates KnowHow. Always meeting with new research and production teams who have brilliant team members and creative researchers. As a result; when we face a problem we always have the latest info or the team to solve it.

Win - Win
#1 rule for doing a business is to create a Win-Win situation in each of our propositions. This business model makes us very reliable long term partner for our network.

Observe - Develop Produce
We always focus on the big picture and try to observe the problem by all possible aspects. Then we develop our solution and test our results. Succesfull tests transform into products failed ones are the lessons we learned.

Go Fast & Far
Speed requires dynamism, success requires patience, complex projects take time that is why we alway say “if you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together”.

Unique solutions to Unique problems requires customisation. While others try to force their solution to problems we customize our solution.
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together...
World is a very "BIG" place
Maybe one of your big problem is already solved at a different country… Maybe there is a machine that does your workers job with zero human error… Maybe there is a cheaper way to do the same task…
As we travel around the world sometimes we face with some problems for the first time but most of the time we face with a case that we already solved in another country. This knowledge increase our problem solving speed very much.